Snow in North Jersey Forecast!

A large coastal nor'easter bringing "heavy, wet" snow could hit New Jersey on the first day of spring, forecasters say. The National Weather Service says a storm system is expected to impact the region on Sunday and Monday, even as there is still "considerable uncertainty" regarding the storm. The Weather Channel says a "significant nor'easter" is possible, with Accuweather saying that 6 to 12 inches is possible in North Jersey; 3 to 6 inches in Central Jersey; and 1 to 3 inches in South Jersey and the Jersey Shore. Precipitation may begin as early as Saturday night. Temperatures will be close to freezing, so the precipitation may fall as snow or as a cold rain If we do have snow, it will likely be a "heavy wet snow," sticking to trees and power lines, according to the National Weather Service. We will keep you updated with any more weather news!