Rutherford NJ Charities

Spring Cleaning in Rutherford NJ

The Rutherford NJ Food Pantry is seeking donations of cleaning supplies. Various cleaning products such as furniture polish,  glass cleaner, ammonia, paper towels, and any items that can be used in cleaning a home. The Pantry always welcomes food items, these items often vary and are often revised and listed on the Rutherford NJ Community Pantry Facebook page.Please join us in giving these donations to the needy. Thank you

South Bergenite 

'Love for Eros Cafe' to host fundraiser in Rutherford

 This Saturday, April 18th at the Elks lodge at 48 Ames Avenue in Rutherford, there will be a community fundraiser from 7-11pm. You can purchase tickets in advance for $50 at The Mason Cellar or $60 at the door. All the info is posted on The Face Book page Love For Eros any more questions feel free to ask. We hope to see you there!

So much love for all of Eros Cafe staff! We know this tragedy has been just as hard on all of you as it has been on Dimitri. We hope to see you at the event! Remember, all of those employed up until the day of the fire get in free. This fundraiser is just as much for you guys as it is for Dimitri. Thank you for all your hard work!


Rutherford NJ FoodPantry

The Rutherford NJ food pantry is requesting that citizens  consider bringing donations of food items that are needed.